

香港冰球訓練學校,香港業餘冰球會於2016年重新啟動「青少年冰球挑戰賽 <亞洲區> 」。本屆⽐賽邀請了北美職業冰球聯賽退役球員協會(NHL Alumni Association)ㄧ起合作,以傳承冰球文化,體驗團隊合作精神為推廣目標,在賽事期間舉辦豐富的冰球體驗活動,向參加賽事和舉辦地的青少年傳授冰球技巧,傳播冰球文化。

本屆青少年冰球挑戰賽(亞洲區)參賽的小球員年齡在8-10歲之間,經過上海,台北,香港三地,在2017年1月14日來到北京,歷時三天,由NHL Alumni Association的成員Barry Beck <前NHLNew York Rangers隊長> ,俄羅斯著名冰球教練尼古拉耶夫.弗拉基米爾,及前中國國家女子冰球隊成員譚安琪教練向冰球小將傳授冰球技術,帶領小將們快速成長。




2016-17青少年冰球挑戰賽 (亞洲區) - 北京站

香港冰球訓練學校、香港業餘冰球會於2016年重新啟動「青少年冰球挑戰賽〈亞洲區〉」,今趟我們邀請了北美職業冰球聯賽退役球員協會 (NHL Alumni Association) 一起合作,以傳承冰球文化、體驗團隊合作精神為推廣目標,在賽事期間舉辦豐富的冰球體驗活動,向參加賽事和舉辦地的青少年傳授冰球技巧,傳播冰球文化。

是次參賽的球員年齡需介乎8-10歲, 通過在上海、台北及北京三站的精心安排,每個地方的球員均有著難忘美好回憶。

上海站賽事期間得到冰球名人堂主席Lanny McDonald先生親臨舉行冰球訓練營、近距離接觸傳授冰球技巧,更獲中央電視台專程赴滬採訪報導。

台北站的冰球訓練營集合 NHL Alumni Association 的成員 Barry Beck 〈前NHL New York Rangers隊長〉, Doug Lynch 〈前NHL Edmonton Oilers 隊員〉,俄羅斯著名冰球教練尼古拉耶夫.弗拉基米爾、中華台北代表隊教練 Ryan Lang及前中國國家女子冰球隊成員譚安琪的共同協力,聯合向AYHL 的冰球小將傳授冰球的知識和技術。賽場上球員來自不同亞洲地區城市,在交流活動中教練來自不同國家,實在地體驗了 Hockey 精神:冰球就是個一個充滿友情的大家庭 Hockey is a family full of friendship!

到了北京,AYHL 的冰球小將受邀出席大陸冰球聯賽KHL在北京五棵松體育館舉行的1月14日賽事,於賽事間場期間進行暖場表演,五棵松熱熾氣氛令小將體驗到冰球之大。


2016-17青少年冰球挑戰賽 (亞洲區) 三站都能夠順利舉行,全因大家都一心一志,憑著與伙伴相互支持、眾志成城的努力成果。

北京 : 浩泰冰上運動中心
哈爾濱 : 哈爾濱明日之星俱樂部
香港 : 香港冰球訓練學校
上海 : 飛揚冰上運動中心
台北 : 中華台北冰球學校
武漢 : 武漢冰龍冰球俱樂部


AYHL 台北站:這樣,發揮了 Hockey 精神....


以傳承冰球文化、體驗團隊合作精神為推廣目標,在賽事舉辦期間又舉行的冰球交流活動,集合 NHL Alumni Association 的成員 Barry Beck 〈前NHL New York Rangers隊長〉, Doug Lynch 〈前NHL Edmonton Oiler 隊員〉,俄羅斯著名冰球教練尼古拉耶夫.弗拉基米爾、中華台北代表隊教練 Ryan Lang及前中國國家女子冰球隊成員譚安琪的共同協力,藉活動向AYHL 的冰球小將傳授冰球的知識和技術。

賽場上球員來自不同亞洲地區城市,在交流活動中教練來自不同國家,實在地體驗了 Hockey 精神:冰球就是個一個充滿友情的大家庭 Hockey is a family full of friendship !



2016-17青少年冰球挑戰賽 (亞洲區)
日期 : 2016年10月1-3日
地點 : 台北小巨蛋

台北站參賽隊伍 :
北京 :
哈爾濱 : 哈爾濱明日之星俱樂部
香港 : 香港冰球訓練學校
上海 : 飛揚冰上運動中心
台北 : 中華台北冰球學校
武漢 : 武漢冰龍冰球俱樂部

AYHL Taipei Stop : This is the spirit of Ice Hockey
The latest stop of the Youth Hockey League (Asia Region), was successfully held at Taipei Arena from October 1-3, 2016 !

After meeting at the Shanghai stop earlier in June, the young players from Beijing, Harbin, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Wuhan were happy to reunite at the Taipei stop, new friends from Taipei joined the ice hockey games at this stop to make the ice rink even more lively !

To promote the passing on of ice hockey knowledge from seasoned professionals to the up and coming young players, an ice hockey exchange clinic was arranged for the participants of AYHL to learn from the pros – NHL Alumni Association member and former New York Rangers Captain Barry Beck, former Edmonton Oilers member Doug Lynch, Russian coach Nikolaev Vladimir, coach of the Chinese Taipei National Team Ryan Lang, along with former Chinese Women Ice Hockey Team member Tan Anqi, lead the players through an intensive ice hockey clinic to train the players both mentally and physically for the games.

Through these few days, players and coaches from different parts of the world gathered to play the sport they all love - ice hockey. It is through events like these that unites players and coaches from different regions and enjoy the sport as a family! Everyone had an amazing time at the tournament and are all looking forward to the next stop - Beijing !

2016-17 Youth Hockey League (Asia region)
Date : October 1-3, 2016
Venue : 台北小巨蛋

Participating Teams :
Beijing : HOKAY Ice Center
Harbin : Harbin Future Stars Hockey Club
Hong Kong : Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey
Shanghai : FeiYang Skating Center
Taipei : Chinese Taipei Ice Hockey School
Wuhan : Wuhan Dragons Ice Hockey Club

「2016/17青少年冰球挑戰賽〈亞洲區〉」 - 台北站
2016/17 Youth Hockey League (Asia Region) - Taipei Stop
日期 : 2016年10月1日至3日
承辦 : 中華台北冰球學校
地點 : 台北小巨蛋
Date : October 1 - 3, 2016
Co-organizer : Chinese Taipei Hockey Academy
Venue : Taipei Arena

A) 台北站參賽隊伍 Participating Teams
1. 北京 : 浩泰冰上運動中心
2. 哈爾濱 : 哈爾濱明日之星俱樂部
3. 香港 : 香港冰球訓練學校
4. 上海 : 飛揚冰上運動中心
5. 武漢 : 武漢冰龍冰球俱樂部
6. 台北 : 中華台北冰球學校
1. Beijing : HOKAY Ice Center
2. Harbin : Harbin Future Stars Hockey Club
3. Hong Kong : Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey
4. Shanghai : FeiYang Skating Center
5. Wuhan : Wuhan Dragons Ice Hockey Club
6. Taipei : Chinese Taipei Ice Hockey School

B) 冰球訓練營 Ice Hockey Training Session
日期 : 10月2日 (星期日), 下午3時30分 - 4時30分
訓練營將由前NHL New York Rangers隊長Barry Beck伙拍前NHL Edmonton Oiler隊員Doug Lynch以及中華台北代表隊的教練一同主理此項訓練營,參加者包括六隊的參賽隊伍近100人,是一項極具挑戰性及受NHLA承認的訓練營活動。
Date : October 2, 2016 (Sunday), 3:30pm - 4:30pm
The training session will be held by former NHL New York Rangers Captain Barry Beck, former NHL Edmonton Oilers player Doug Lynch, along with coaches from the Chinese Taipei National Team. Participants include approximately 100 players from the 6 teams, this will be a tough and challenging training camp for the players.

C) AYHL 晚宴 AYHL Celebration Dinner
日期 : 10月2日 (星期日), 下午7時45分 - 10時
Date : October 2, 2016 (Sunday), 7:45pm - 10pm
The Celebration Dinner provides a platform for participating players to gather and interact with players from other cities. There will be memorable lucky draw prizes to reward the players for their hard work.

街談巷議 : 蘭尼專訪
Town Talk: Interview with Lanny McDonald

名將來滬 青少年冰球挑戰賽啟動

冰球名人堂主席 首次訪滬近距離接觸青少年球員傳授冰球技巧
Legend and Hockey Hall of Fame Chairman visits Shanghai Lanny McDonald conducts clinic for Chinese Youth
2016-2017青少年冰球挑戰賽(亞洲區)冰球訓練營於6月10日上午在上海開賽。訓練營由香港冰球訓練學校,香港業餘冰球會主辦,由NHL Alumni Association(北美職業冰球聯賽退役球員協會)協辦。特別邀請了全國5支球優秀冰球球隊參與到此次訓練營活動。分別是浩泰冰上運動中心,哈爾濱明日之星俱樂部,香港冰球訓練學校,飛揚冰上運動中心,武漢冰龍隊。
2016-17 AYHL hockey clinic, organized by HKAIH and HKAHC with endorsement from the NHL Alumni Association, was held on June 10th in Shanghai. We have invited 5 hockey clubs from China to be part of this event.

胡文新先生一手創辦香港冰球訓練學校及香港業餘冰球會。為響應國家開展冰雪運動“群眾冬季運動推廣普及計劃”;為冰球運動愛好者提供交流,互動,發展的平台;為培育優秀的冰球青少年人才;主辦方特邀NHL Alumni Association(北美職業冰球聯賽退役球員協會)一起合作舉辦豐富的冰球體驗活動。前NHL名將Lanny McDonald, Barry Beck與華裔新秀袁俊傑更作為指導教練,專程趕來助力上此次冰球訓練營活動。
Mr. Thomas Wu founded HKAIH and HKAHC with the goal of promoting the sport of ice hockey to all walks of lives. With youth hockey rapidly developing in China, the AYHL platform provides a platform for junior hockey players to exchange with peers from different cities. Organizer partners with NHL Alumni Association to co-host activities aiming to enrich young players, casual fans and spectators with unique hockey experience. NHL Hall-of-famer Lanny McDonald, former NHL player Barry Beck and professional Chinese Canadian player Zachary Yuen are part of the coaching team in this hockey clinic.


Lanny has wonderfully ingrained ice hockey culture with Chinese traditional values during this unique experience in Shanghai. He emphasized teamwork, perseverance and dedication into his teachings to the five hockey clubs in China. This provided an excellent opportunity for cultural exchange not only between the junior players, but also between the coaching staff from different Chinese cities. Youngsters can learn and benefit from both Western and Chinese teachings in terms of sports culture.


(圖片中為Lanny McDonald現任冰球名人堂主席)

Intermission break during the clinic, Lanny was sharing his insights with the junior players.

After the clinic, Lanny was interviewed by CCTV, sharing his fond moment of ice hockey and its meanings to a happy childhood.

五支球隊的六十多名青少冰球運動員與Lanny以及所有教練大合照。Lanny說,冰球運動的精神是“Hockey Family”,所以冰球訓練營為大家提供了一個亦對手亦朋友的結識機會,讓小朋友親身感受到友誼第一,比賽第二的運動精神。
Sixty junior players joyfully joined in the group photo session with Lanny and other coaches. Lanny mentioned the spirit behind the sport is “Hockey Family” and the hockey clinic furthers develop and foster the friendship among these youngsters for years to come.


「2016/17青少年冰球挑戰賽〈亞洲區〉」6月9-12日 重新啟動,
NHL 名將首次訪滬近距離接觸青少年球員傳授冰球技巧
2016/17 Youth Hockey League (Asia Region) re-launching from June 9-12 Former
NHL players visiting Shanghai for the first time to get up close and personal with young players
如果你在2011年、2012年錯過了「青少年 冰球挑戰賽〈亞洲區〉」,那麼2016年的現在,就千萬別再錯過了!
香港冰球訓練學校、香港業餘冰球會主辦的「青少年冰球挑戰賽〈亞洲區〉」,6月9日即將啟動 !
Organized by the Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey and Hong Kong Amateur Hockey Club, the Youth Hockey League (Asia Region)
will be re-launching on June 9 !

香港餘冰球由胡文新先生一手創辦。為響應國家開展冰雪運動的「群眾冬季運動推廣普及計畫」,為冰球運動愛好者提供交流、互動、發展的平臺,為培育優秀的冰球青少年人才,2016/17 青少年冰球挑戰賽〈亞洲區〉上海站將於 2016 年 6 月 9-12 日於 飛揚冰上運動中心舉行,更邀請到了 NHL Alumni Association(北美職業冰球聯 賽退役球員協會)一起合作舉辦豐富的冰球體驗活動。這次上海首站主辦單位特別邀請到了前 NHL 名將(Lanny McDonald, Barry Beck) 與華裔新秀(袁俊傑)專呈為青少年冰球挑戰賽〈亞洲區〉上海站賽事的球員舉行冰球訓練營, 向參加賽事的青少年傳近距離接觸授冰球技巧,藉以傳承冰球文化、體驗團隊合作精神。而Lanny McDonald先生更是首次訪滬, 賽在十分難得機會難逢。
The Hong Kong Amateur Hockey Club was founded by Mr. Thomas Wu. To echo China’s winter sports’ “Public Winter Sports Promotion Plan” and to provide ice hockey enthusiasts a platform to interact and exchange information and to nurture potential young ice hockey players, the 2016/17 Youth Hockey League (Asia Region) Shanghai stop will be held at FeiYang Skating Center from June 9-12. The NHL Alumni Association is also invited to conduct ice hockey clinics during the tournament. Former NHL player Mr. Lanny McDonald and Mr. Barry Beck, along with up and coming star Mr. Zachary Yuen will conduct ice hockey trainings with the players of the Shanghai stop. Through these trainings, the players will get to learn from the pros about teamwork and important ice hockey skills. This is especially a great opportunity as it is Mr. Lanny McDonald’s first time visiting Shanghai.

NHL 級別的冰球訓練營
Ice Hockey Training session with former NHL stars
由前NHL〈北美職業冰球聯賽〉球員Lanny McDonald和Barry Beck及首位入選NHL的華裔球員袁俊傑Zachery Yuen主持的冰上訓練營,讓參與了青少年冰球挑戰賽(亞洲區)的年輕球員們能有機會在上海一嘗與職業冰球員訓練的機會。
Former NHL players Mr. Lanny McDonald and Mr. Barry Beck along with up and coming star Mr. Zachary Yuen will host on ice training sessions for young players of the Youth Hockey League (Asia Region) to experience ice hockey training sessions with the pros.

日期 : 6月10日〈星期五〉
時間 : 上午 8:45-9:45
地點 : 飛揚冰上運動中心一樓冰場
出席教練 : 前NHL 卡爾加里火焰 隊長 Lanny McDonald先生(現任冰球名人堂主席)
前NHL 紐約遊騎兵 隊長 Barry Beck先生(現任香港冰球訓練學校 總經理教練)
首位入選NHL的華人後衛袁俊傑先生Zachary Yuen
Date : June 10 (Friday)
Time : 8:45 – 9:45am
Venue : FeiYang Skating Center
Coaches : Former Calgary Flames Captain Mr. Lanny McDonald
(Current Chairman of Hockey Hall of Fame)
Former New York Rangers Captain Mr. Barry Beck
(Current General Manager (Coach) of Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey)

Lanny McDonald
現任冰球名人堂主席。於 1973 年 NHL 選拔大會中被多倫多楓葉以第 1 輪、第 4 順位選中,在十六年 NHL 球員生涯中於三個俱樂部球隊渡過,分別是多倫多楓葉、科羅拉多雪崩及卡爾加里火焰。十六年來Lanny打了1111場賽事,之前以500入球及506助攻佳績。而於82-83年球季刷新了記錄得 66 個入球,至今仍為火焰的單一賽季記錄。在 1988-89 年賽季以隊長身份帶領火焰贏取史丹尼杯。Lanny 為 NHL 歷史中其中一個最具代表性的球員,並以他的紅鬍子最為出眾。
Lanny McDonald
Lanny is the current Chairman of Hockey Hall of Fame. He was chosen 4th overall in the 1973 draft by the Toronto Maple Leafs. Lanny played for 3 NHL teams over his 16 year playing career: The Toronto Maple Leafs, Colorado Rockies and the Calgary Flames. In the 1,111 games that he played, he scored 500 goals and had 506 assists. His total of 66 goals in the 82-83 season remains the Flames’ franchise record for a single season. He co-captained the Flames to a Stanley Cup Championship in his final season of 88-89. Lanny is among the most popular players in NHL history and his personality and bushy red moustache made him an iconic figure within the sport.
Barry Beck
前加拿大國家冰球隊成員,現任香港冰球訓練學校總經理 (教練 )。Barry 是加拿大卑詩省冰球名人館成員及前加拿大國家冰球隊成員,曾任紐約騎兵隊隊長 5年。Barry 在冰球運動上擁有十分豐富之實戰經驗及在北美冰球界享負盛名。
Barry Beck
Former Team Canada player and current General Manager (Coach) of Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey, Barry was inducted into the British Columbia Hockey Hall of Fame in 2004. Former Captain of the New York Rangers for 5 years, Barry has exceptional ice hockey experience and is widely recognized in the North American ice hockey community.
袁俊傑 Zachary Yuen
來自香港,出生於在溫哥華的第三代移民、現年23歲的袁俊傑(Zachary Yuen)是第一個進入WHL(美國西部青年隊)的華人,也是歷史上第三個進入NHL的華人.在2011年NHL的選秀中,他被噴氣機隊(Winnipeg Jets)選中,成功登陸NHL。袁俊傑曾對《多倫多太陽報》表示,在他成長的歷程中,很少看到亞裔孩子打冰球。希望自己裔身份和不斷提高的曝光度,會成為華裔孩子在未來進入冰球運動的榜樣。
Zachary Yuen
Zachary Yuen was born in Vancouver 23 years ago and is the third generation Chinese Canadian from Hong Kong. He is the first Chinese hockey player in WHL, the major junior leagues in Western Canada, and is the third player of Chinese-descent in NHL. In 2011, Yuen was selected in the 4th round by Winnipeg Jets. He once told Toronto Sun there were few Asians playing ice hockey when he grew up. Hopefully he can become the role model for Asian and Chinese ice hockey players to look up to in the future.

主辦單位 : 香港冰球訓練學校、香港業餘冰球會
協作單位 : NHL Alumni Association (北美職業冰球聯賽退役球員協會)
承辦單位 : 飛揚冰上運動中心
比賽地點 : 上海市浦東新區雲蓮路201號三林體育中心 飛揚冰上運動中心
參賽隊伍 : 浩泰冰上運動中心、哈爾濱明日之星俱樂部、香港冰球訓練學校、 飛揚冰上運動中心、武漢冰龍隊
年齡組別 : 2006-2008年出生

2016/17 Youth Hockey League (Asia Region) Shanghai Stop information
Organizers : Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey, Hong Kong Amateur Hockey Club
Partnering Organization : NHL Alumni Association
Co-organizer : FeiYang Skating Center
Tournament Venue : Sanlin Sports Center, 201 Yunlian Lu, Pudong, Shanghai
Participating Teams : HOKAY Ice Center, Harbin Future Stars Hockey Club, Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey, FeiYang Skating Center
Age Group : players born in 2006-2008

青少年冰球挑戰賽 (亞洲區) 的賽程 :
2016年6月 9日〈星期四〉 晚上7 - 10時
2016年6月10日〈星期五〉 下午1:45 - 3:25時
2016年6月11日〈星期六〉 下午2:50 - 5:35時
2016年6月12日〈星期日〉 上午10 - 12時
Youth Hockey League (Asia Region) Tournament Details :
June 9, 2016 (Thurs) : 7-10pm
June 10, 2016 (Fri) : 1:45-3:25pm
June 11, 2016 (Sat) : 2:50-5:35pm
June 12, 2016 (Sun) : 10am-12noon
Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey, Hong Kong Amateur Hockey Club
June 9, 2016

最新動態 - 青少年冰球挑戰賽(亞洲區) 新聞發佈會 - 傳媒廣泛報導
News feed - Extensive Media Coverage of AYHL Press Conference in Beijing



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2016-17青少年冰球挑戰賽 (亞洲區) 重新啟動

2016-17 Youth Hockey League (Asia Region) Re-launching ceremony
Press Conference held in Beijing
Co-organized by the Hong Kong Amateur Hockey Club and the Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey, the 2016-17 Youth Hockey League (Asia Region) re-launching ceremony was successfully completed at the Shangri La Hotel in Beijing. Accompanied by two young players, China Ice Hockey Association General Secretary Yu Tiande and Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey Chairman Mr. Thomas Wu officiated the launching ceremony. Many guests celebrated the event and the joint efforts in promoting the sport of ice hockey in China. The target of this program is to further promote the sport into the community, in turn raising the level of the sport in China.


「 2016-17 青少年冰球挑戰賽」(亞洲區)

2022 年北京張家口將聯合舉辦冬奧會,為繁榮我國冰雪文化,普及群眾冬季體育運動,迎接冬奧會,國家制定了「群眾冬季運動推廣普及計畫」,該計畫的目標是“3億人參與冰雪運動”。


近年我國青少年冰球運動發展蓬勃,尤其是北京、上海、哈爾濱等城市成績突出,在冬季運動管理中心的領導們積極推動下,這是我們重啟「青少年冰球挑戰賽〈亞洲區〉」成功的基礎。是次重啟「青少年冰球挑戰賽〈亞洲區〉」賽事喜獲「國家體育總局 冬季運動管理中心 大眾冰雪部」為支援單位,令人鼓舞。

為了使該挑戰賽更加富有吸引力和冰球推廣意義,我們還邀請到了NHLAA(NHL Alumni Association)為賽事協作單位。我們將和他們一起,在賽事舉辦期間開展多種類型的冰球交流活動,以傳承冰球文化、體驗團隊合作精神為推廣目標,向賽事舉辦地的青少年們傳授更多先進冰球的知識和技術。


2016-17 Youth Hockey League (Asia Region)
China is going to host 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. With the goal of establishing a critical mass supporting winter sports, Chinese Government formulated the development policy to involve 300 million people in ice hockey, figure skating and other winter sports.

Echoing the sentiment in supporting the winter sports development, Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey (HKAIH) will re-launch the Youth Hockey League (Asian Region) in 2016. Founded by Mr. Thomas Wu, HKAIH organized the AYHL for two years in 2011 and 2012. Supported by Chinese Ice Hockey Association, AYHL provided a platform for exchange and development among junior hockey players, at the time when hockey development was badly needed.

The sport of ice hockey is growing rapidly over the past few years, with Beijing, Shanghai and Harbin attaining exceptional growth. The re-launch of AYHL is supported by General Administration of Sport, Winter Sport Administration.

In order to promote ice hockey through the tournament, HKAIH has partnered with NHL Alumni Association. The collaboration is aimed at hockey exchange between two different continents, promoting the spirit behind team work and ice hockey culture. In the end participants of the tournament learn from the knowledge and technique necessary to compete with the top hockey nations.

HKAIH believes AYHL will become a renowned competition promoting Olympics spirit and ice hockey development in the region.

Hong Kong Academy of Ice Hockey, Hong Kong Amateur Hockey Club